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So what
sort of nonsense can you find here? Well.... basically fanfiction and wallpapers,
both of which, are a part of
but here are direct links to them anyway. And musings too scattered to
be considered a full-on rant.
things I endure....
Have you
ever caught yourself watching a really crappy movie because you just happen
to know the actors from this other show you like? I have. Plenty of times.
Of course that's just a testament to my lack of social life more than anything
else. (If I didn't live in tropical country, I'd probably be as pasty as
a dough). So I thought... "hey, since I watch these movies, why not review
them yah?" Ah... the benefits of satellite tv... (And more often than not,
I'm not watching the big-budget movies they've been on. I get the really
obscure, "huh?"-inducing ones)
Imagine, the reason why I got hooked on The Powerpuff Girls was because I was looking for the episode where Mark Hamill was the white cat! Now, if I can figure out if there's any way for me to catch Spiderman, and listen to Mira Furlan be Silver Sable....
(new!) Hexed
My B5
delirium (a.k.a Reasons why I don't have a Life):
And of
course, let's not forget the requisite of being a manic fan: you start
seeing B5 connections everywhere.... some silly, some useless, some downright
inane, but let's get down to it, shall we??
If you
care to check out Stephen King's third anthology of short stories, 'Nightmares
and Dreamscapes', check out the story entitled 'Popsy'. The main dude (who
isn't a very upright citizen to begin with) has the last name of Sheridan.
Don't ask me his first name, it was some horrid low-life name I don't care
to remember. Not one of my favourites, but some of the other stories are
absolutely brilliant.
If you
happen to browse (and like me, read) through romance novels (hey, they're
like the literary version of Hindi movies!!! Or is the other way around?),
go look out for Judith McNaught's 'Until You'. I read it ages ago, but
when I re-read it (thanks to the fact my friend has a copy), it tickled
me pink. Why? Ok, well... ehehee... the girl's name is Sheridan ( I mean
it! Her actual Christian name) and the guy is Stephen. Now if you're like
me, and have a couple of screws loose, you can try to envision a whole
slash fic situation going on. Not a pretty sight(once you get your breath
back from all the snickering).
Garibaldi's last name can be a very good source of joy... if you know the
right language. Garibaldi... when you separate it into two (Malay) words,
it becomes gari and baldi. And together, in very bad broken Malay, it takes
on the meaning of 'chain the pail'. I tell you, it's hilarious. Especially
when it's in the middle of the night, and you start laughing for no apparent
I've always
figured that Valen is a pretty uncommon name (well, except among the Minbaris),
but apparently, it's quite common for the Chinese to pick it as their Western
name. Browsing through a magazine the other day, reading this article about
Most Embarassing Moments (have I got a few...), the girl thought she was
going to catch her bf two-timing her with a girl called Valen. Turns out
it's a guy. Famous example of a person with this name (non-Minbari): Taiwanese
singer Valen Hsu. You might check out this duet she has done with Enrique
Iglesias (yuck, I hate Enrique Iglesias).
Any reference
to flarn would immediately bring to mind those fictional small cubed green
things that looks like wasabe (it's actually tofu), not the actual spongy
concoction you'll find in cake shops. Oh yes, wasabe is the green mustard
paste you eat with sushi.
this site. I got a printout from this during one of my classes. About
cosmology, and all sorts of magic. Really mystical stuff, but amazingly
there's quite a Babylon 5 connection. Here's a sample, about the First
semi-legendary creatures from the dawn of time are said to have formed
the physical world into discrete areas.... Some say the Mind of the Universe
created them during the early phases... that formed the Universe in order
to ensure things turn out correctly.
The First Ones discovered the fundamental law of reality, that their thoughts
could influence the world around them.... began to form patterns in the
sea of chaos, eventually forming worlds.
...what happened to (them)... is a mystery. Some say they still exist and
have become deities of various religions.... claim that the race became
physical creatures... now walk among us..."
Pretty cool, especially since I just finished 'The Science of Discworld' and all its talk about narrativium... Go check it out, there's more stuff about technomagic.
Go watch
The Making of X-Men programme, disguised as Mutant Watch, a coverage of
Senator's Kelly bid to get the Mutant Registration Act approved. Wait till
the credits. There's a guy, the Steadicam Operator, whose name is Marcus
Cole. I'm sad, aren't I?
In Harry
Potter and The Goblet of Fire (Book 4), the Bulgarian National Quidditch
team has a player by the name of Ivanova. Since the game is pretty much
equal opportunites... hehehe. Anyway, I'd just like to say that the series
is really heating up, and getting all arc-y. If Book 3 is The Coming of
Shadows, then Book 4 can be considered middle Season 3 of B5. The enemy
has shown themselves, and there's need for allies. I might be getting the
timeline mixed up, but consider the previous sentence pretty much true.